- New2025/03/21
Contact Lenses With an Allergy: Yes, You Can Still Wear Them
Do you suffer from allergies? Does pet dander, mold, dust mites, or pollen cause watery, itchy, red eyes? If so, you may think that wearing contact lenses with an allergy is impossible. However, you’d be wrong! There are several things you can do, even when your allergies are at their worst, to make contact lenses more comfortable.
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- 2025/03/13
How to Deal with a Stuck Contact Lens and Other Lens Mishaps
For the most part, contact lenses are pretty low maintenance. That's why so many people love them and wear them.
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- 2025/02/25
Lasik vs. Contacts: 5 Reasons One Is Safer and More Effective
If you need vision correction, you may be curious about more long-term solutions. This may be especially true if you’re sick of having to put on glasses or contacts every day. Have you been considering surgery for your eyes? A laser eye operation might sound better than continual wear of contacts or glasses. But there’s some things you need to consider before making the big decision.
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- 2025/02/06
Can a Contact Get Lost in Your Eye? Learn the Facts
Contact lenses are a life-changing invention that provide clear vision for people every day. So it’s not surprising that they’re a huge industry on a global level.
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- 2025/01/23
What You Need to Know About Astigmatism and Contacts
One-third of Americans have some form of astigmatism. This is a condition that makes the eye's cornea oval instead of round. This irregular curvature makes vision blurry as a result.
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- 2025/01/10
The Eye Doctor’s Office: What to Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting
The freedom of wearing contacts instead of glasses is enjoyed by millions in the U.S. each day. And with contacts becoming easier to wear and more affordable than ever, there's no excuse not to jump on the bandwagon.
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- 2024/12/27
So Many Types of Contact Lenses: Which One is Right for You?
Contact lens technology is continually advancing, and as a result, there are many different types of contact lenses on the market today. Given all the choices, the decision to ditch your glasses and find the right contacts might seem quite mind-boggling. However, it’s easy once you divide the options into categories. And, understanding the different materials, prescriptions, and wear times will help you make the right decision!
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- 2024/12/16
Best Contact Lens Tip — Never Use Water to Clean Your Contact Lenses!
It would seem natural to use tap water to clean your contact lenses, especially if you live in an area that has clean fresh water. Afterall, not only do we ingest fresh water, we swim in it and wash our bodies with it! We also use water to clean our clothes, our dishes, and our pets. Nonetheless, water and contact lens care do not mix. That’s why the best contact lens tips always keep water and contacts far apart. Here’s why.
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- 2024/12/02
9 Important Tips Everyone Wearing Contacts Should Know
Did you know that an estimated 45 million people in the United States wear contact lenses?
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- 2024/11/13
Learn How to Get Used to Contacts With These 4 Tips
A huge portion of the population needs corrective lenses to see properly, and millions of them use contact lenses. If you're new to them, your biggest challenge might be figuring out how to get used to contacts.
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- 2024/11/04
Pros and Cons of Wearing Contact Lenses vs. Glasses
The battle between contact lenses vs. glasses may seem like a new concept. Just poke around chat forums and you’ll find loads of questions about the pros and cons of both. Simply put, some people prefer glasses and don’t see the benefits in contacts. While others discover great convenience from contact lenses or believe they look more attractive in them.
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- 2024/10/17
How Do Contact Lenses Work? The Science Behind Them
Vision problems are pretty common in America. About 188.7 million people in the U.S. use some kind of vision correction device. That's over half the population of America!
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- 2024/10/09
Are Contacts Expensive? Here’s Why the Answer Is No
“Are contacts expensive?” That's usually the first question asked when people first think about getting a prescription for contact lenses.
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- 2024/09/20
Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time? Follow These 10 Tips
Making the switch from traditional eyeglasses to contact lenses can feel exciting. But it can also feel like a daunting task. It’s always a good idea to learn more about what you’re getting into. That way, you can feel more comfortable about it.
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- 2024/09/04
How Long Can You Wear Contacts? A Guide to Safe Usage
Whether you just got your first pair of contact lenses or you’ve worn them for a few years, you may have some questions about using them. Either way, welcome to a whole new world of seeing clearly without glasses!
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- 2024/08/29
How to Choose Contact Lenses: Which Type Is Right for You?
Are you new to wearing contact lenses? Whether you just found out you need them or are making the switch from glasses, it can feel daunting to start wearing contacts. But there's no need to worry! Contacts are highly effective. Plus, they're easy and safe to use! There are many kinds to choose from, so you'll be able to get exactly what you need.
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- 2024/08/07
Help! Can I Fix My Contact Lens Intolerance? And How?
Given that nearly half of the population needs glasses, we know that vision correction is vital. But it's not surprising that not everyone likes to wear frames on their faces. Eyeglass frames can be bulky and block your peripheral vision. You also have to continually adjust your glasses, especially during physical activities.
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- 2024/07/24
Creepy-Crawlies Love Water! You Can Help Protect Your Eyes with Daily Contact Lenses
Up to 60 per cent of the human body is composed of water. It’s no surprise we love to submerge ourselves in it. In the summertime, the pool and ocean invite us to take a dip. In the winter the bathtub and hot tub beckon. But did you know water can harm your eyes? And we’re not talking about the piranha-infested waters of South America!
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- 2024/07/10
How Old Do You Have to Be to Wear Contacts?
Myopia, or nearsightedness, can present itself early on. Because of this, a child might need to wear glasses at an early age. But contact lenses for kids are becoming more and more popular. Are they an option for your children?
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- 2024/07/03
How to Choose the Best Contact Solution
Contacts lenses are more convenient than glasses, that’s for sure. But they can lead to serious complications if you don't follow cleaning procedures. Despite this, as much as 90% of contact lens wearers don't clean and care for their lenses correctly.
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- 2024/06/12
A Rookie’s Guide to Ordering Contact Lenses Online
Online shopping is thriving and it’s no wonder. Buying online is simple, convenient and fast. But, the first time you buy something online that can affect your health, like contact lenses, it’s worth doing your homework. Learn how to choose a reputable retailer AND save money.
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- 2024/06/04
Torn Contact Lenses? Here's How to Say Goodbye to Rips for Good!
Contact lenses aren't cheap! That's why you may find yourself screaming in frustration when you rip one. You may go through one of the stages of grief known as bargaining. You may ask yourself if you can use the torn lens anyway. But this isn't a wise decision.
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- 2024/05/21
Swimming With Contacts: The Dos and Don'ts
Are you splashing bacteria at your child? Or are they splashing it at you?
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- 2024/05/07
5 Things You Need to Know About Sleeping With Your Contacts In
It isn't "no big deal" if you decide to sleep in your contact lenses. Your eyeballs need time to breathe in order to stay healthy and work as they should.
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- 2024/04/17
Thinking About Access to Eye Care on World Sight Day
Each year World Sight Day brings awareness to the importance of eye health and avoidable vision impairment. In particular, the mission of this annual day is to provide everyone everywhere with access to eye health care — hence, this year’s theme is “Eye Care Everywhere.” In some parts of the world, many people do not have access to the kind of eye care we are used to in the United States. That’s why it’s so important to help spread the message about eye care here at home and globally.
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- 2024/04/17
Why Weekly Contacts Might Be the Best Option for You
When you’ve been wearing eyeglasses for a good part of your life, you may wonder about other options. Especially with immense advances in modern technology, there are plenty of convenient alternatives. A popular option chosen by people worldwide is contact lenses.
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- 2024/04/17
When Should You Wear Daily Contacts? Weighing the Pros and Cons
Are you trying to break away from the everyday task of dealing with your contacts? Tired of having to clean and store your lenses after a long day of work? There is an answer: daily contacts!..You will find that daily contacts can actually make your eyes feel better.
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- 2024/04/17
Why Do My Contacts Burn? Troubleshooting Contact Lens Discomfort
Are you tired of your contact lenses making your eyes dry, red or itchy? Are you considering giving up your contact lenses in favor of glasses?
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- 2024/04/17
What is Farsightedness and How Can Contacts Correct It?
The medical term used by eye care professionals for farsightedness is hyperopia. The American Academy of Ophthalmology estimates 8.4% of the US population over age 40 have hyperopia.
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- 2024/04/17
Vision Nutrition: Top 5 Foods to Improve Your Eye Health
Your eyes are important. Eyesight ranks first when it comes down to the five senses people most value. People fear blindness as much as they do death. Much of a seeing person’s information comes from their sight. How we process the world comes primarily through sight. Our emotions attach to what we see. And, most of our natural gifts and talents depend on sight. That's why it's important when you're eating for general health to also eat foods for your vision nutrition.
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- 2024/04/17
Should I Purchase Vision Care Insurance?
Health insurance is crucial for individuals interested in avoiding a large amount of medical debt. Unfortunately, vision care insurance tends to get overlooked.
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- 2024/04/17
Should I Get Contacts? Everything You Should Know About Them
Did you know that 45 million Americans wear contact lenses on a regular basis? People enjoy using contacts for their comfort and convenience.
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- 2024/04/17
Why Sharing Contact Lenses Is a Bad Idea
Sharing is caring. That’s what your mom or dad told you when they insisted that you share your candy with friends. You were probably angry, but your parents were doing the right thing. They were teaching you a valuable life lesson.
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- 2024/04/17
Are Reusable Contact Lenses as Safe as Disposable Contacts?
Americans are busier than ever before. A multitude of distractions make it harder than ever to juggle our work and personal lives. It can even put pressure on the finer details of your morning routine. From getting dressed to putting our contacts in, we’re always looking for ways to save time.
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- 2024/04/17
Your Quick Guide to Daily Contact Lenses: 4 Things You Need to Know
Approximately 75% of the American population needs vision correction of some kind. You’re probably one of them! There are lots of options for making sure that you can see as clearly as possible. Wearing eyeglasses is one of those options.
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- 2024/04/17
‘Overnight-Contacts’ Can Fix Your Vision, While You Sleep!
Do you want perfect eyesight without the need to rely on glasses or contact lenses? Overnight contacts can fix your vision. This lesser known and less invasive alternative to laser eye surgery is called orthokeratology.
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- 2024/04/17
Help, I'm out of Contact Solution! What Do I Do Now?
An impressive amount of people don’t clean their contacts in the right way. In fact, 40-90% of people fail to do so. Sometimes, it’s because they're fresh out of contact solution.
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- 2024/04/17
How to Tell if You’re Allergic to Your Contacts or Just Lens Solution
Contacts are almost always quite comfortable and convenient. Perhaps that’s why you wouldn't think allergic reactions and contact lenses could go together. But surprisingly, they can and they do.
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- 2024/04/17
Eyes Like the Sahara? How to Stop Dry Eyes When You Wear Contacts
Our eyes are our windows to the world. When something's not right with them, it affects our enjoyment of everything. Dry, uncomfortable eyes when wearing contacts is a serious problem that needs some quick attention.
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- 2024/04/17
How to Put Contacts in (and Take Them Back out Again!)
Over 60% of the population currently wears some form of corrective lenses, while 21% of them wear contacts at least part of the time. With all of the amazing benefits they offer, it's not hard to see why.
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- 2024/04/17
Safety First: How to Remove a Stuck Contact Lens the Right Way
While a contact lens can’t get lost behind your eye, one can get stuck in your eye. While it's easy to insert and remove contact lenses after sufficient practice, occasionally, you may have one that seems stuck.
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- 2024/04/17
Color Contacts: How to Choose the Right Tinted Contact Lenses for You
Do you want to stun the world with blazing, honey-colored brown irises? How about ones the color of glowing sapphires? If eyes are the windows to the soul, why not add a little extra sparkle with tinted contact lenses?
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- 2024/04/17
How to Get Contact Lenses for Yourself While in College
Are you preparing to go away to college soon? There’s going to be all kinds of things that you're going to need to do on your own for the first time.
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- 2024/04/17
How Long Do Contact Prescriptions Last? All You Need to Know
Over 150 million Americans use corrective eyewear to address refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, etc.). Each of them sees an eye doctor to have their eyes tested and receive a prescription for glasses or contacts or both.
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- 2024/04/17
The Battle of Glasses vs. Contacts: 9 Reasons to Choose Contact Lenses
The matter of choosing glasses versus contact lenses is a personal one. There is no “right” option. Your decision depends on your lifestyle, comfort, budget and aesthetic sense. Glasses are the most common (and traditional) method to improve vision. But we have other vision correction choices such as eye surgery and contacts. You may not want to go as far as getting surgery done on your eyes. Thus, you are at the decision point: glasses or contacts?
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- 2024/04/17
Know Your Eyes: A Guide to Reading Your Contact Prescription
You know it's time to get a new contact prescription. But you're not quite sure about when and where you'll get it. Once you actually have the prescription, how do you even read it? Is it supposed to be some secret language known only to those in the medical field? After all, the multitude of numbers and abbreviations can be pretty confusing.
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- 2024/04/17
What You Need to Know About Contact Lenses and General Eye Health
Many people have vision problems. Of these, approximately 45 million wear contact lenses. But, are contacts safe for general eye health? If you wear contacts, now or in the future, here’s some good news for you!
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- 2024/04/17
Fight the Sun’s Rays With UV Protection Contact Lenses and More!
Everyone knows that UV radiation is bad for the skin. However, you may not realize how bad it is for your eyes. Eye doctors recognize the dangers and recommend sunglasses whenever you are outdoors.
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- 2024/04/17
A Foolproof Guide to Using Eye Drops With Contact Lenses
For contact lens wearers, a simple trip to the drugstore for eye drops can be daunting. The shelves are full of tiny bottles of liquid all claiming to be eye drops! But which ones are the best eye drops to treat your specific eye complaint? And which ones are safe to use with contact lenses?
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- 2024/04/17
8 Useful Eye Exercises to Alleviate Eye Strain
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that around 80% of all worldwide vision impairment is avoidable. In fact, each year, eye disease and vision loss account for a $139 billion economic cost in the United States.
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- 2024/04/17
An Expert Guide to Helping You Find a Contact Lens That’s Lost
You’ve just woken up and stumbled over to the bathroom. You begin your morning routine, which includes putting your contacts in. But in your bleary-eyed state, you drop your lens!
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- 2024/04/17
What Are Extended Wear Contacts and Should You Get Them?
Would you like to wake up every morning and have perfect vision? If you're one of the millions of people that wear contacts or glasses, this may seem like a far-off dream. You'd have to have surgery for that to happen, right?
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- 2024/04/17
Daily vs. Monthly Contacts: A Quick Guide to Your Choices
Many people prefer wearing contacts over glasses. In fact, approximately 45 million Americans wear contact lenses. Yet, not all contacts are the same. Everyone has different needs, and some eyes are more sensitive than others.
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- 2024/04/17
Dry Eyes During Pregnancy: Are They Normal or Not?
Our bodies go through incredible changes during pregnancy. It’s hard to know what’s normal and what’s not. Your pregnancy is as individual as you are, and your baby is going to make itself at home however it sees fit!
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- 2024/04/17
Should You Put in Contacts Before or After Makeup Application?
You're getting ready for work, and it’s your first day wearing your new contacts. Your counter is lined with mascara, blush, eyeshadow and an array of other makeup products. But you stop and ask yourself: Should I put in my contacts before or after my makeup? And how do I put them in without ruining my makeup or damaging the lenses?
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- 2024/04/17
How to Keep Your Eyes and Contact Lenses Happy This Winter
Wintertime has its perks. Christmas and New Year’s create lots of fun events, ice-skating is fun and we never say no to a gingerbread cookie. But boy do we hate the cold weather! We know that we’re definitely not alone!
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- 2024/04/17
Contact Lenses and Sports: Yay or Nay?
Lovers of the great outdoors and physical activity also love wearing contact lenses. Are glasses or contacts better when playing sports? It isn’t much of a debate! Contact lenses win. Without contact lenses, sports would be difficult. Athletes would have to wear a strap, sports goggles, or try to play without 20/20 vision. These options are not as convenient as contacts. That’s why contact lenses and sports go together like peanut butter and jelly.
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- 2024/04/17
The Contact Lenses of the Future Will Improve Our Health
Scientists are developing contact lenses that will improve your health. It sounds like science fiction, but it's becoming science fact.
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- 2024/04/17
Contact Lenses’ Benefits vs. Caring for the Planet
Using contact lenses and caring about the environment do not exclude one another. Contact lenses and eyeglasses are plastic. You can’t change that. But, you can make an informed choice about how to care for your eyes. Furthermore, you can see the impact your choice has on the environment.
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- 2024/04/17
Could Your Contact Lens Case Give You an Eye Infection?
The guidelines are very clear. The American Optometric Association says you must clean your contact lens case after every use. You must also replace your case at least every three months. Unless you wear daily disposables, that means you must clean your contact case every day!
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- 2024/04/17
Common Contact Problems and How to Overcome Them
Your contact lenses should be comfortable. Ideally, you can slide them in easily and wear them all day and night. But as you probably already know, contact lenses can come with some problems.
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- 2024/04/17
Is Your Lens Care up to Scratch? Take Our Contact Lens Care Quiz!
How would you rate your contact lens care? Are you worthy of a 10 out of 10, a perfect hygiene rating? How about a little lower? A 7 out of 10? Maybe a 5 out of 10 in a particularly hectic week?
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- 2024/04/17
Refresh Your Style with This Color Contact Lens Guide
If you've ever thought about experimenting with your eye color, a color contact lens may be the perfect accessory for you. A colored lens allows you to temporarily change your eye color to either enhance or transform the appearance of your eyes.
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- 2024/04/17
Enhance Your Color Contacts With These Eye Makeup Tips!
As fashionistas, we’re always looking for ways to flaunt our style. You may think about changing your wardrobe or your hair color, but what about eye color? That’s right; a super fun way to transform your look for the day is through color contacts.
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- 2024/04/17
Don’t Be Tardy! Change Your Monthly and Daily Contact Lenses on Time
Almost everything that we buy, we have to replace at some time. We should change our toothbrushes every three to four months. Similarly, hair brushes should be replaced every six months. A brand new mattress is an investment every seven to ten years.
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- 2024/04/17
Can You Bring Contact Solution on a Plane? A Contact Lens Travel Guide
With roughly 45 million people in the US wearing contacts, one question often asked by people preparing to travel by air is “Can you bring contact solution on a plane?”
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- 2024/04/17
Can You Save a Dried out Contact Lens?
Whether it's forgetting your lenses on the counter, or running out of contact solution, dealing with a dried out contact lens is a conundrum. What do you do when you discover a dried out contact? Can you still use it? What are the risks of wearing it after it's dried?
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- 2024/04/17
Can I Wear Contacts With a Sty? Everything You Need to Know About Styes
If you wear contacts, there's a good chance you take measures to keep your eyes and lenses as clean as possible. Unfortunately, certain infections are inevitable, no matter how much care you put into your eyes.
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- 2024/04/17
Can I Wear Contacts With Pink Eye?
The dreaded pink eye. An unsightly condition that causes a lot of itching, redness and excessive tearing.
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- 2024/04/17
A Contact Lens Guide for Brides: How to Make Your Big Day Perfect
As your wedding day approaches, contact lenses are probably the last thing on your mind. The dress, the cake, the venue; there are so many more important things to think about, right?
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- 2024/04/17
Can a Contact Get Lost in Your Eye? 10 Common Contact Myths Debunked
Can a contact get lost in your eye? Is it bad to swim in your contacts? Am I too young to start wearing contact lenses?
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- 2024/04/17
Are Cosplay Contacts Safe? Why You Shouldn’t Trade Function for Looks
Your costume is perfect and you're so excited. In fact, you're certain to be in the running for the best costume at the event you're going to. All that you need is a pair of the perfect cosplay contacts to add the finishing touch to your outfit.
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- 2024/04/17
7 of the Best Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes (aka Desert Eyes)
The itchiness. The annoying redness around the rims of your eyes. These are just two of the side effects of dry eyes.
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- 2024/04/17
Eye, It's Nice to Meet You: The Anatomy of the Eye and How It Works
The eye is a miraculous part of the human body. Amazingly, it has over 2 million working parts. Many people consider their eyesight the most important of their five senses. But do you know how your eyes work?
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- 2024/04/17
Are Contacts Bad for You? 9 Things About Contact Lenses That Just Aren’t True
Did you know that almost half of Americans believe life on Earth came into existence 10,000 years ago? Even though we’ve discovered thousands of fossils, which proves life’s existed for millions of years, this myth still runs rampant.
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- 2024/04/17
Allergies and Contacts: 7 Tips for Healthy Eyes During Allergy Season
For many who wear contacts, allergy season is the biggest nightmare! You have to contend with the intense discomfort and dryness. It means having a hard time seeing clearly, performing daily tasks and enjoying life.
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- 2024/04/17
6 Alarming Ways Smoking Affects Vision and Eye Health
Smoking causes all kinds of cancer, respiratory disease, and cardiovascular disease. In fact, 480,000 Americans die each year of smoking-related illnesses and 1/3 of cancer deaths are linked to smoking.
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- 2024/04/17
8 Ways Smoking Damages Your Eyes and Ruins Contact Lenses
Smoking harms almost every organ in the body. Most of those organs are internal, so you can't see the damage. Out of sight, out of mind! But smoking also damages one of your most precious external organs: your eyes.
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- 2024/04/17
8 Tips for Those Wearing Contact Lenses Only Occasionally
According to the American Optometric Association, over 45 million people prefer contacts over glasses. This number is growing every day. Still, there are people that go for wearing contacts only every once in a while.
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- 2024/04/17
Happy Eyes, Happy Life! 7 Tips to Help You With Contact Lens Care
Have you ever felt irritation in your eyes? Are you new to contacts? Or are you just getting used to how your contact lenses feel?
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- 2024/04/17
7 Need-to-Know Benefits of Contacts: Why They’ll Improve Your Life
Are you tired of having your glasses slide down your nose? Do you wish you didn't have to take them off for certain activities?
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- 2024/04/17
7 Things You Need to Know About Monovision Contacts
Getting your contact lenses or glasses right can seem like a herculean challenge. After all, every pair of eyes is unique, and there are many vision conditions. Changes to our quality of vision happens at different rates for different people. So many variables!
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- 2024/04/17
Six Methods for Determining if Your Contact Lenses Are Inside Out
Learning to put contact lenses into your eyes is not difficult. However, figuring out if your contact lenses are inside out can be a bit trickier. That’s because contact lenses are thin and flexible, and can easily turn inside out. Sometimes, even those who’ve been wearing contacts for years have difficulty knowing if the lenses are correct.
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- 2024/04/17
The 7 Major Advantages of Monthly Contact Lenses
Finding the right contact lenses for you can take a bit of time as you try out different types. It's a good idea to go through different trial periods. That way, you can see how you feel before you limit yourself to a certain brand or style.
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- 2024/04/17
6 Expert Makeup Tips for Great Eye Hygiene
Did you know that how you use makeup has a huge effect on your eye hygiene? That’s whether you wear eyeglasses, contact lenses, or neither!
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- 2024/04/17
5 Improper Contact Lens Care Habits That Could Land You in the Emergency Room
Improper contact lens care leads to approximately one million eye infections per year. That’s right, one million infections that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are avoidable. All people need to do is to improve their bad habits.
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- 2024/04/17
5 Things to Know About Getting Trial Contact Lenses
Are you one of the 45 million Americans who wears contact lenses?
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- 2024/04/17
5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself From Eye Strain
Eye strain is the result of spending too much time focussing on one thing close-up. Staring at a computer screen or reading a book for a long time forces your eyes to focus for longer than is comfortable.
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- 2024/04/17
12 Things You Should Never Do With Your Daily Contacts
If you wear daily contacts, you may know the basics of how to care for them. But do you know what you should never do with your daily contacts?
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- 2019/10/02
The Hassle Free Way
If you have a valid prescription and want to benefit from the ease and convenience of buying your contact lenses online, visit our online store to get started. lenspure.com is an authorized contact lens retailer with high-quality contact lenses from top brands. With a range of options, we are sure to have a product that’s right for you.
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- 2019/10/02
Benefits of buying contact lenses online
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