Monthly Lineup

Colour Map


Prolonged UV exposure is harmful to skin and eyes, can increase your risk for cataracts and other serious eye conditions. These lenses are able to provide 75% protection from UV-A and 99% protection from UV-B radiations.

These lenses contain more water content, allowing in more oxygen to relieve your eyes and provide all-day comfort.

Sandwich Structure
These lenses are coated with newer technology so the color coating will not be directly on your cornea.

Lens Shape
These lenses have rounded edges so they will provide a natural, friction-less wearing experience.

Daily Lineup
Monthly Lineup
Colour Map


low water content lens
Low water content lenses require less water in the lens itself and are recommended for long-term wear and for people with dry eyes.

Non-ionic lens
Non-ionic lenses that are stain-resistant are used.

Sandwich Structure
The product is manufactured using a safe process that prevents direct contact of the dye with the cornea.

Smooth Edge
The edge of the lens is smoothed for a comfortable fit.

Colour Map


Prolonged UV exposure is harmful to skin and eyes, can increase your risk for cataracts and other serious eye conditions. These lenses are able to provide 75% protection from UV-A and 99% protection from UV-B radiations.

These lenses contain more water content, allowing in more oxygen to relieve your eyes and provide all-day comfort.

Sandwich Structure
These lenses are coated with newer technology so the color coating will not be directly on your cornea.

Lens Shape
These lenses have rounded edges so they will provide a natural, friction-less wearing experience.

Daily Lineup
Colour Map


Prolonged UV exposure is harmful to skin and eyes, can increase your risk for cataracts and other serious eye conditions. These lenses are able to provide 75% protection from UV-A and 99% protection from UV-B radiations.

These lenses contain more water content, allowing in more oxygen to relieve your eyes and provide all-day comfort.

Sandwich Structure
These lenses are coated with newer technology so the color coating will not be directly on your cornea.

Lens Shape
These lenses have rounded edges so they will provide a natural, friction-less wearing experience.

Colour Map


More than just colored contacts
1-DAY ACUVUE DEFINE Contact Lenses give your natural eye color a boost

All-day comfort and moisture
Technology provides a long-lasting cushion of moisture.

Built-in UV protection
Offers protection from UV rays in every lens

30-day pack
About 1 month's worth of contact lenses in one box.